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  • Writer's pictureAbu Aabiru Sabeel

Inciting People to Oppose Governments by Announcing their Faults and Demonstratating against them

(Ibn Bāz) was asked:

Question: Some people believe that a state of corruption has come over the Muslim communities to such an extent that it cannot be changed except by force and by inciting people against governments and publicly exposing their faults so that people oppose and reject them. Unfortunately, these people call others to this methodology, encouraging it. So, what does your eminence say?

Answer: Such a methodology has no support from the Islamic legislation because it contradicts the texts that order obedience to the leaders of political affairs in what they command of good, and it results in great corruption, chaos, and the breaching of peace and security.

When evil circumstances arise, it is incumbent to repel them by methods legislated by Islam and by clarifying these legislative evidences without harshness and intolerance. These circumstances are not to be repelled by force except by those who the government has appointed to do this (the authorities). This is so that peace and security is maintained and chaos is prevented. Authentic Ḥadīth from the prophet Shallahu Alaihi Wasalam (indicate this, such as the statement in which he Shallahu Alaihi Wasalam said:

"Whoever sees something of sinning against Allah from his leader, let him dislike that which is sinful against Allah but let him not move even a hand-span away

from (or renounce the allegiance of) obedience.”

And his Shallahu Alaihi Wasalam statement:

“It is an obligation upon every person to listen and obey in what he likes or dislikes, willingly or unwillingly, as long as he is not commanded to do anything sinful against Allah.”

The companions listen and obey, willingly or unwillingly, in hardship and ease, and that they would never renounce the allegiance of obedience, unless and until they see clear and explicit disbelief form them (the leaders) for which they have a supportive proof with Allah. And other Ḥadīth with the same meaning are numerous.

What is legislated in such circumstances is to sincerely advice the leader of political

affairs, cooperating with them in righteousness and praying for them for correctness and assistance in doing what is right until evil circumstances diminish and good prevails.

We ask Allah to rectify all Muslim leaders, to bestow on them righteous advisors, to

increase them with those who support them in what is right, and to grant them success in governing His servants with the legislation of Allah; He is surely bountiful and generous.

[Taken from a cassette titled: “Ḥukm al Ḥamalāt al-I’lāmiyyah ‘alá Bilād al-Ḥaramayn]

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